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The important use of sodium gluconate in the construction industry
Source: | Author:agriculture-100 | Published time: 2018-10-25 | 1312 Views | Share:

Sodium gluconate is widely used in industry, and it is used in construction, textile, printing and dyeing industries. Today we will understand the role of sodium gluconate in concrete. When a certain amount of sodium gluconate is added to the cement, it will have a very good effect on the concrete. It will not only increase the plasticity and strength of the concrete, but also have a retarding effect, that is, delay the initial and final setting period of the concrete. For example, adding 0.15% sodium gluconate can extend the initial setting time of concrete by more than 10 times, that is, extend the plasticity time of concrete from a few hours to a few days without affecting its fastness. Plasticity and delaying the initial setting time are very important issues in concrete operations. For example, in high-temperature season construction and large-scale engineering operations, delaying the initial setting time is a problem. Sodium gluconate can solve this problem satisfactorily. In addition, it is more difficult to glue oil wells at high temperatures. The concrete added with sodium gluconate can be plasticized within a few hours at a high temperature of 170 ℃, which can also successfully solve the problem of high temperature operation.